Confessions of a researchaholic

February 13, 2021


Filed under: Real — liyiwei @ 5:14 pm

Like others, Tom Brady’s diet and fitness routines got my attention .
I see some positive aspects of his routines, but these might not work as well for others and probably not even the real reasons for his performance.


I have cardio and weight/core training for about 1.5 hours in the morning, a walk between 0.5 to 2 hours (depending on the route and weather) in the afternoon, and 0.5 to 2 hours of coordination/control exercise in the evening.


I usually go to bed around 10:30-to-11 pm and wake up between 6-to-6:30 am, and take a 20 to 30 min nap in the early afternoon.
I guess 10:30 pm among computer scientists is probably like his 8:30 pm among the general public, and I actually need to avoid waking up too early (like 4 am when my brain got too excited).


I usually have fruit smoothie, grain/bean/seed milk, and some dairy (cheese and egg) for breakfast; vegetables, seafood, and carbohydrate (yam, sweet potatoes, bread/toast) for lunch; and vegetables, fruits, and vegetarian protein (tofu or yogurt) for dinner.
I have dark chocolate (often 100 percent cocoa) for morning snacks, hot cocoa (pure without sugar) and green tea matcha as drinks in the morning and afternoon.

I was puzzled by his denial of dairies, and found out it is not based on science.


I meditate everyday, and I probably don’t need additional brain exercises beyond my work and reading.

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