Fascinating podcast series of the scam industry located in the Thailand-Myanmar border, from the victims (whose psychological weak spots are exploited), the scammers (who often deceived job seekers), to the crime syndicate behind.
This BBC report provides a good visual on the ground.
Pencil-style experiment following this earlier one with structural reference via line-art ControlNet, essentially drawing portraits of one family member via the artistic style of another.
Filed under: Real — liyiwei @ 4:55 pm Tags: research
I just looked at a single-authored SIGGRAPH submission from a recent collaborator (with a first-authored SIGGRAPH paper before even getting into a graduate degree program), intentionally after the deadline to ensure that I wouldn’t be tempted to contribute anything to his solo effort (as I just did) before the review process.
I like the work and hope it will get accepted so that we could finally meet in person at the conference.
(Hopefully the Canadian visa would be easier to obtain than the US equivalence, as otherwise he would not have any co-author to present the paper.)
I joined a tour in Japan during SIGGRAPH (Asia?), but had difficulty following the tour guide in winding streets in a canal-like environment. Within the group were Szymon and Matt with whom we talked about old age. I realized that I can’t see clearly due to wearing a wrong pair of glasses with one lens missing, and tried to come back to the hotel by backtracking the original way. I found myself with another tour group which was on their way for returning, sat in front of Hao and Eric and got my head pat by Hao’s girlfriend.
This dream is a reflect of several real-word facts:
* My dry eyes sometimes caused blurry vision.
* I found pair of glasses on the ground near San Jose Diridon station last evening.
Filed under: Real — liyiwei @ 3:04 pm Tags: research
I used to concentrate my paper submissions to a venue that gained prestige by accepting only the most novel ideas, but its prestige has been diluted with more incremental works over the years to the point that it has higher acceptance rate than alternatives (in an overlapping but different field) that I now submit to more.