Confessions of a researchaholic

July 9, 2024

Bad reviews during a rebuttal are like bad calls during a game

Filed under: Real — liyiwei @ 4:51 pm
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By “bad” reviews, I meant those that are short or unclear/uninformative, which is different/orthogonal from “negative” reviews which criticize or reject the work.

If a review is bad because it is too short, it wouldn’t bother me at all. I can write a correspondingly short portion of my rebuttal addressing that review, or even ignore it altogether.

If a review is bad because it is unclear, I can ask for clarification in the rebuttal, and make a few educated guesses about the exact questions or criticisms followed by my answers.

The last thing I would do is to complain about the bad reviews in the rebuttal, or (worse) contact the paper chairs/committee. These are like complaining about bad calls during a game. What would you expect the paper chairs/committee to do? Ask for an additional review or the bad reviewer to submit a better review? That would take time, and even if you receive an updated review, it might be too late for you to address it before the end of the rebuttal period.

July 7, 2024

Focus time during shutdowns

Filed under: Real — liyiwei @ 6:34 pm
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Adobe has week-long (or longer) shutdowns around early July and late December every year, which are often good opportunities for traveling (e.g., vacations, family visits, or conferences).
To me these are also often golden opportunities for focused work, such as reading papers, thinking about research problems, and conducting exploratory experiments, which are often hard to come by during the regular work days with frequent distractions (often fulfilling coworkers’ requests).
I have found such focus time incredibly productive and satisfying, and wonder if I could continue the effect outside shutdowns by trying to reduce distractions, at least those self-induced.

May 15, 2024

Newspaper photo of Genghis Khan

Filed under: Imaginary,Real — liyiwei @ 3:47 pm
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I hypothesized these newspaper “photos” of Genghis Khan via a IP-Adapter ComfyUI workflow that combines the structure of his portrait and the style of a real newspaper photo of my late grandfather.
(Their ancestral relationship could lend to some credibility of this experiment.)

March 27, 2024

Hands on – quick short abstract

Filed under: Real — liyiwei @ 5:44 pm
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An intern collaborator thanked me for a quick editing of the abstract of an upcoming paper submission, which reminded me of the the following story reflecting how our PhD advisers (or senior collaborators) could influence our work styles:

A few days before the SIGGRAPH 2002 paper deadline, while trying to submit the abstract from a paper draft, I received an error message saying that it was over the length limit (maximum 600 words, if I remember correctly). I could do a quick trim of the abstract but worried that I might not be able to preserve the content in such a short form, and thus sent a message to the paper advisory board asking whether I can have a longer abstract in the paper file.

Several minutes later, my PhD adviser emailed me a shortened version of the abstract, with perfect content and length.
I thanked him for his (astonishing) quality and speed, and wondered if he could read my mind (or, more likely, network traffic). He said that he happened to be on the advisory board and thus saw my message.

A few hours later, I received a reply from the paper chair clarifying that the abstract for the submission form was mainly for the paper sorting process and can differ from the abstract in the submitted paper file.

March 2, 2024

Fun versus job

Filed under: Real — liyiwei @ 6:30 pm
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Academic research can be a day job for some people, including reading, writing, and reviewing papers, coding prototypes, conducting experiments, advising students, and interacting with collaborators.
But it is a leisure activity for me, more intellectually satisfying than managing and communicating about products which is my current day job, which, in turn, I wonder might be a fun activity for others.

February 26, 2024

Cherry picking batch-generated results

Filed under: Real — liyiwei @ 6:30 pm

An interactive UI that lets users manually input data and parameters to produce results is more suitable for iterative exploration (if you can wait for a few minutes) than mass production (which take take hours if not days), so I built a scripting environment from the same codebase.
I set up an experiment to run over 20+ inputs with a few values at each of the 3 parameter dimensions, and ended up with more than 4000 results which (dawned on me afterwards) are too many to examine one by one.
So I followed the path of iterating exploration as with the UI but with the already batched results without knowing for sure if I have missed any good ones.

Maybe we also need (semi)automatic tools to help us with cherry picking.

February 11, 2024

Murakami monster drawing experiment

Filed under: Imaginary,Real — liyiwei @ 6:47 pm
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Based on a (human-sized) monster sculpture by Takashi Murakami that I saw in a recent exhibition I did a quick rough drawing via Fresco with outlines and color-fills in separate layers, and then fed the outlines-only and color-fills versions to an image-to-image ComfyUI workflow. The results are very interesting and capture the style of the original artist quite well.

January 7, 2024

Embodied computing

Filed under: Real — liyiwei @ 9:17 pm
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I spent the evening on some manual household installation/repair tasks and felt a visceral sense of satisfaction of using my body, which tends to be missing for sitting in front of a computer all day.

Given that our bodies are designed (or more precisely, evolved) to be moving around, I wonder if there are ways to structure our work routines so that we can use our bodies more.
The existing design for “spatial computing” is mostly for content consumption and authoring tasks that are inherently spatial (e.g., 3D modeling).
How to extend that for more abstract tasks (like programming) is an interesting question (personally I doubt if spatial manipulation of node graphs or the like is the right answer).

January 4, 2024

3-hour PhD defense

Filed under: Real — liyiwei @ 5:54 pm
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This is by far the longest PhD defense I have ever attended, and I have attended many.

The first half was spent on the presentation, with the second half on discussions (among thesis committee members and later the candidate) about how to deal with the lack of publications.
I enjoyed the first half much more than the second.

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