Confessions of a researchaholic

January 28, 2013

When to change jobs

Filed under: Real — liyiwei @ 2:54 am
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When not to change jobs: you find some negative aspects of your current job and believe going elsewhere can solve this problem (the greener pasture delusion). You might be disappointed as every job has pros and cons.
(I have a set of friends who want to move to each other’s company.)

A better reason to switch is when you find a job that is more likely than your current one to help you be happier, more successful, and grow more. Specifically, the decision should be driven by positive instead of negative thinking.

Never stay with the same institution for too long, even a top one.

This also has an interesting positive side effect for switching at the peaks. You want to switch at the peak so that you are in an optimal mental state to make the right choices and in an optimal position to negotiate your next job offers. If you wait for the bottom, it is too late; your market value is already in decline.

Choosing jobs

Filed under: Real — liyiwei @ 2:29 am
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I have a very simple answer to this supposedly complex question: choose a job that allows you to (1) do what you really like and (2) be very good at it.

Your happiness and productivity are what matter the most, and they are direct products of the two conditions above.
There are other important things, such as pay, reputation, location, and colleagues, but they matter much less, especially in the long run.

This simple strategy works superbly for me so far, even though it can produce unconventional choices that seem puzzling. But what you think about your life is more important than what others think about it.


[Added on February 22, 2015]

The main types of CS jobs include: engineer, researcher/scientist, professor, and entrepreneur. (Manager is part of all these and thus not explicitly listed.)

I have been through the first three and will do the rest before I die.
Here is my suggestion based on personal experience.

Being an engineer/researcher/scientist in a top, reasonably established company is likely the best choice as a first job for most fresh PhD graduates. You will have a relatively stable environment to focus and strong colleagues to help you grow and network. You will also learn the crucial lessons about practicing in the real world.
(I cannot emphasize more on the importance of all these especially the last one; you will see as time passes.)

I do not recommend starting as an assistant professor as that will require a lot of efforts outside core research and advising, such as teaching and funding, which are good exercises but more suitable when you become senior.
You may also miss out practical experiences unless you can have strong industry collaborations.
Only join schools that can attract students who are (or can become) good enough to conduct top-notch research under your supervision; otherwise you are wasting your time.

Being part of a startup has the workload issue multiplied, and I prefer to found my own company as a professor and/or at the rear end of my career (due to lower opportunity cost, which I know is in contrast to the young entrepreneur culture in the bay area).

Bottom line: the exact job probably does not matter that much anyway if you can be happy and productive.

January 27, 2013


Filed under: Imaginary,Real — liyiwei @ 1:06 am

【侯 文詠】漸漸




「那 就領薪水,好好地做個會計。」我問。



「一開始喝酒就好辦了。站著喝酒薪水是二萬四,坐著喝是四萬八,客人給的小費還不包括在內。同樣都是大專畢業,為 什麼錢賺的比別人少?!就會有人勸她了,人都在裡面了,外面的人誰知道你是端盤子,還是坐檯呢?!再說自己真的清白,別跟客人出場就好了,陪客人喝酒,就算在社會上交際應酬也是常有的事。」

「於是坐下來當坐檯小姐。剛開始一定規規矩矩地喝酒。也不隨便跟客人出場。這一行競爭大,領四萬八慢慢就會嫌不夠了。只 好挑看得順眼的客人給帶出場了。作久了,總是會給厲害的客人佔便宜,哭哭啼啼鬧一陣子也就好了。畢竟讀過書,狠下心來做得更利落、更敢,客人喜歡,我也得意,這是兩廂情願的事。」






無從捉摸,無法抵擋的墮落與沉淪。 漸漸之可怕,在於我們的不知不覺。世界上沒有任何東西是永遠不變的,唯一不變的只有一件事,就是任何東西都在變!

January 26, 2013

Why my site is not worth hacking

Filed under: Real — liyiwei @ 7:49 pm
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A friend of mine, who is currently a grad student in a prestigious CS department, told me that his PhD adviser is pretty keen on the cyber security thing. Like, he will fuss about unencrypted project servers.

I do not encrypt my server. It is not nearly as popular a target as my friend’s department, and I simply do not think it is worth hacking. Allow me to do a quick breakdown of the content of my site:

90% are project ideas killed by myself.

9% are not killed, but papers rejected by reviewers.

1% are neither killed nor rejected, but so poorly written that reviewers, who are experts in my field, asked for 3 revisions to be able to understand.

I hope I have saved your time. Have a good day.

January 25, 2013

The teacher is responsible for engaging the class

Filed under: Real — liyiwei @ 7:24 pm

When students start to chat to each other during the class, they are either surprised by something (e.g. announcement a heavy homework assignment) or they are losing interests in the lecture.

The latter happened to me on the first class of this semester. I forgot to eat lunch before the lecture, so my mojo was fading halfway through. And the students sensed this.

I did ask them to quiet down because other students complained about the disturbance. But later on I realized I should never have to ask anyone to quiet down if I had not sucked.

So, in the second lecture of the class, I made sure I eat enough lunch to maintain my mojo. And I performed some live demos to support the lectures. No chitchat this time, and I know I got their attention.


Filed under: Real — liyiwei @ 7:23 pm
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My attitude towards teaching could be reflected by how I would really like to write my teaching statement (for faculty job applications).
There will be only one sentence: “smart enough students can pick up everything themselves”.
(Note1: I know this is entirely doable because I pulled this off since I was 10 years old, and I did not consider myself to be very smart.)
(Note2: Of course this is not how I really wrote my teaching statement.)

With this backdrop, it should not be a surprise that I have never blogged a single entry about teaching, at least not mine. I do not even have teaching as a tag word.

I have considered teaching as a chore rather than enjoyment (unlike research), and my basic stance has not changed too much. (One main reason why I think it is better to start a research career as an industry lab scientist rather than a university professor.) But not until I really taught full-semester classes, especially large ones, did I start to appreciate teaching can be a fun thing to do, for two main reasons.

First, it can actually inspire my research ideas.

Second, and probably more important, teaching provides a great chance for massive mind reading and human studying, with moral justification for effective teaching. It is even more fun and challenging than reading individuals, one of my most favorite pastimes.

More posts to follow.

January 7, 2013

Sharing code and data

Filed under: Real — liyiwei @ 1:08 am
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It is usually a very good idea to share the code and data along with our published papers. This will make it easier for others to test, understand, reproduce, and compare against our methods, which in turn can make us more popular, our papers more widely cited, and our technology more likely to be adopted by the industry and turned into real products.
Code and data repositories are also an important part of evaluating job applications.

(I have open sourced most of my first/single-authored projects, except my first 2 SIGGRAPH papers for which I could no longer find the code in the school server, which I greatly regret.)

Ideally the code should be in high quality, but even if not, sharing it can let others have a chance to improve the code (and motivate us to write good code).
It is fair to say that the code and data are no less important than the paper.

Some things to watch out for include institutional and legal constraints, such as trade secrets, copyrights, and patents, and not yet published future ideas.
These can be planned and managed via different git branches (e.g., a public branch that is gradually merged from a private branch).

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