Confessions of a researchaholic

February 24, 2017

F*** you money

Filed under: Real — liyiwei @ 1:15 pm

I did some calculation a while ago and concluded that no amount of money will suffice. Instead, it is much better to have f*** you talents/skills/capabilities.

This recent case, as reported by wired and bloomberg, may have a good chance to prove my conjecture.

February 14, 2017

Ghost in the Shell

Filed under: Imaginary,Real — liyiwei @ 5:20 pm

There is a peculiar kind of pleasure for senior people to reminisce their junior experiences, as I discovered after getting older.

The first trailer closely matches the original anime, which is also available on Netflix.

Like many contemporary Japanese anime, the story can be confusing for people not familiar with the genre. But it seems quite clear from the second trailer, and different from the original story.

Race can be a sensitive issue for Hollywood, but watch how the Japanese react to the casting of this movie. This should be no surprise for people who understand the Japanese culture in general.

February 6, 2017

Super Bowl commercials

Filed under: Real — liyiwei @ 4:52 pm

What is the best way to make people want to watch a commercial?

February 2, 2017

The hedgehog and the fox

Filed under: Real — liyiwei @ 11:47 am

Things are usually not all black and white, and worth further study before jumping into conclusions.

The travel ban of the seven Muslim majority countries is both cruel and ineffective, even though it might help me recruit students.

As reported in this NYT article written in 2015, the current H1-B visa system has plenty problems. Instead of a random lottery to address the over-demand (by mostly outsourcing firms), it is better to use a more market-driven system, e.g. giving higher priority to higher paid foreign workers.

In general, a skill-based immigration system, similar to what currently exists in Canada, can be better than the current family-based system in the US.

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