Confessions of a researchaholic

October 2, 2012

Trend following

Filed under: Real — liyiwei @ 8:21 pm
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To all these students who want to do data mining and think you have to join a database group:

I do not miss you at all, because you are just following trends instead of making your own decisions. Independent thinking is a necessary quality for succeeding in research. And you probably do not even comprehend the meaning and scope of data mining; I can find much more interesting ideas and applications in graphics and HCI than database.


  1. Yes, some of my friends who wish to work on data mining discussed with me today. They told me that all the meanings of the concept of data mining in their mind are IT IS SAID that it is just like statistics and greatly related to commerce, which will be likely to provide them a high income in the future. I feel the trend of data mining in CS is similar to finance and statistic in mathematics. =D

    Comment by qisun — October 2, 2012 @ 9:58 pm | Reply

  2. Agree with you in a certain degreee. As I see, the research of data mining is only suitable for those who are curious about not only the curiosity research, but also the social phenomenons just like you mentioned you own life style in another webpage, since nobody would be really interested in pure data games. The combination of thinking about the real life and scientific approach is the best motivation.

    Comment by CHAN — October 17, 2012 @ 1:41 am | Reply

  3. One thing in graphics is that people treat the others too strictly. I think that is why there are far less publications each year in graphics (especially the SIGGRAPH technical papers) than other fields such as data mining, even if there is a fact that the oppertunity to own commercial project in graphics is much less than having one in other fields. This strictness, is somehow hampering the development of graphics community, making people leave for industry, or other fields where they can have an easier life.

    Comment by somebody — March 11, 2013 @ 3:29 pm | Reply

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