Confessions of a researchaholic

October 18, 2020

Little painter

Filed under: Imaginary,Real — liyiwei @ 8:06 pm
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I drew this fun exercise with reference photo(s).

I found FB an excellent venue for virtual drawing archive: unlimited storage, albums for organization, “memories” for reminding/checking progress, social sharing (or peer pressure, depending on how you look at it) for motivation, and no known privacy issue (how to target ads based on drawings, aside from generic Adobe CC subscription?).

October 16, 2020


Filed under: Imaginary,Real — liyiwei @ 8:18 pm
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These are experiments with the charcoal brushes in Fresco.

October 14, 2020

Tree remains

Filed under: Real — liyiwei @ 8:22 pm
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I saw a newly chopped-down tree on Monday evening, came back this evening only to see its remains already cleaned away, and drew from visual memory/impression.
Interestingly, I can draw this one faster and better from memory than onsite, probably due to the mental abstraction already took place.

October 10, 2020

American nightmare

Filed under: Imaginary,Real — liyiwei @ 10:17 pm
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In nightmares, Jorge Luis Borges mentioned about the mesmerizing painting by Henry Fuseli, which inspired me to paint over my variation to reflect the current political atmosphere.

The reference image sources: incubus, statue of liberty, elephant.

October 9, 2020

Phone movie watcher

Filed under: Real — liyiwei @ 9:29 pm
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This is a practice for quick sketch of intriguing human poses.

October 7, 2020

Zaris Mech

Filed under: Real — liyiwei @ 8:33 pm
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Portrait requires high precision to look right.
The lockdown has reduced my chance to draw people on-site, so I switch to photo references meanwhile.

October 2, 2020


Filed under: Real — liyiwei @ 9:46 pm
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September 30, 2020

Jefferson and Fallen Leaf

Filed under: Real — liyiwei @ 6:52 pm
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I noticed the intriguing configuration of utility poles around this street corner due to the down ramp on the other side.

September 28, 2020

Books-round-over-table-corner dream

Filed under: Imaginary — liyiwei @ 10:43 pm
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Around 6 am September 26 I recalled this dream about a bunch of books circling over the edge of the kitchen table without falling over.

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