Confessions of a researchaholic

November 7, 2023

Stuck in traffic

Filed under: Real — liyiwei @ 6:38 pm
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I tried to take bus 281 from Palo Alto transit center to SJC18 and the bus got stuck in traffic on university avenue near highway-101 for more than an hour. (It took me about 40 minutes to walk the same trip.) I got a chance to draw a painful facial expression of one of the passengers.

November 6, 2023

Septology by Jon Fosse

Filed under: Imaginary — liyiwei @ 6:41 pm
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An aging painter recorded his activities within a few days interleaved with flashbacks and reminiscences of his life and monologues about art, religion, and relationships in a single continuous sentence spanning seven volumes of this fiction.

Several characters in the story, including the writer himself, have doppelgangers with the same name and similar appearances but different life trajectories.
There can be multiple interpretations of this, such as mental confusion and imagined alternative lives as a reflection of the writer who possessed talent in art but deficiency (and regression due to aging and substance abuse) in other mental aspects.

I read volumes I-II (the other name) in an e-book version just to see what the Nobel literature prize is all about, and finished III-V (I is another) and VI-VII (a new name) in audio book versions as I found the audio format perfectly suitable for the continuous verbal style of the story without any visual structure.

A painting titled “St. Andrew’s cross” is repeated mentioned in the story, which I tried to visualize.

November 5, 2023

Restless dreams

Filed under: Imaginary,Real — liyiwei @ 10:20 pm
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When waking up around 5:36 am this morning, my Fitbit tracker gave me a sleep score of 49 (out of 100) which is much lower than the usual 70+ scores I received.
My brain felt fine despite a bit “dry” (not moving as fluidly as it used to which I attributed to the time switch), but the tracker might have a point given that I could recall having a lot of vivid dreams from earlier this morning.

In the dreams I first encountered a bunch of intruders in my home. I told them that I am going to “incapacitate” them one by one, but before any excitement could happen my dream switched to the realization that I have a bunch of unfinished blog posts (which I guess is a metaphor of all these pending tasks awaiting me) about a city monk, altruism and selfishness, personal finance, french fries and mussels, which I plan to expand into real blog posts later.

Later in the night I created a visualization of my dreams by Adobe Fresco and Photoshop, iterating between manual drawings and generative fill so that I can have some control of the content without having to draw everything by hand.

November 4, 2023

Restaurant tricks

Filed under: Real — liyiwei @ 7:15 pm

Ever since the end of the pandemic, I have been avoiding eating in or ordering from restaurants due to the increased cost-to-quality ratios, which could turn off other customers as some restaurants might have realized and thus started to pull off different tricks.

One is to offer reasonable prices on the menu, but during ordering the waiters would recommend higher margin add-on items when the customers are less likely to check the prices.
A recent example I saw is a large bowl of steamed mussels (22 USD) with a “recommended” set of french fries that turned out to cost 9 USD.

A frivolous drawing of a serious topic

Filed under: Imaginary,Real — liyiwei @ 11:48 am
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[The title of this post is suggested by GitHub co-pilot, and I decided to keep it for fun. A more suitable title would be “spot the difference, by generative fill”.]

Seeing the original photo under gave me ideas about changing some of the objects for fun, and later I realized that this can be an exercise of applying Photoshop generative fill to create a “spotting the difference” game.

The file is under in case you want to see the detailed editing prompts and region masks.

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