Confessions of a researchaholic

September 7, 2013

The glove

Filed under: Real — liyiwei @ 1:26 am

It has been truly inspirational to watch Gary Payton’s tough and tenacious plays.

Why the 'Glove' fits in Hall of Fame

For undergrads

Filed under: Real — liyiwei @ 1:00 am

If you have good foundation in math and coding, you can pick up (almost) everything and compete with (almost) everybody and their brothers. So, take as many math and programming courses as possible, in particular those that will make you (actively) do things (e.g. projects) instead of just (passively) reading books and passing exams.

That is basically what I did as an undergrad (plus taking the swimming class so that I can access the school pool). I did not plan or think much beyond that. Life is simply too random to over-plan.

September 3, 2013


Filed under: Real — liyiwei @ 8:16 pm

I had the entire outdoor swimming pool (8 lane x 50 m) all by myself (again) this morning. There was a thunderstorm, so nobody else was there. But the fun didn’t last long; the life guards nudged me out after blasting horn for like 10 minutes without me noticing it.

PS: I am more likely to die on the bus ride to work than getting struck by lightning in a pool.

PPS: Next time, send a naked female super model into the pool. I will sure notice.

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