Confessions of a researchaholic

March 24, 2023

SIGGRAPH 2023 paper committee meeting

Filed under: Real — liyiwei @ 4:45 pm

Some random thoughts after just finished the SIGGRAPH 2023 paper committee meetings:

The shorter papers in the conference track submissions took me less time to read, but not as much as the page numbers would suggest; many papers were either harder to read due to condensed texts or would require extra time to go over the supplementary materials.

The virtual meetings (started during the covid pandemic) are more efficient in terms of travels and moving people in and out of the conflict and break-out rooms, while the physical meetings are more fun (e.g., the snacks and food) and sociable (reading people’s facial expressions and body languages while discussing papers, and chatting about research and life in general).

After serving on the SIGGRAPH/SIGGRAPH-Asia PC a few times, I felt that it is more suitable for either beginning folks who have a lot of energy (e.g., can read 3 papers in one night without getting tired) or retired folks who have a lot of time (e.g., have time to read 3 papers in one afternoon without many work/family duties) than folks in the middle (like me) who are not as energic as they used to be and yet have more work/family commitments.

Both of my managers also happened to be on the committee, so they will understand why I haven’t spent as much time on products as I am supposed to.

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