Confessions of a researchaholic

December 13, 2021

The little cookie girl

Filed under: Imaginary,Real — liyiwei @ 10:04 pm
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The original story of the little match girl is sad, so here is a happier variation.

On a freezing New Year’s Eve a happy young girl, warm and well clothed, tries to sell cookies in the street. Afraid to go home because her father is pre-diabetic and will eat all the cookies that still remain at the end of the day, she huddles in the alley between two houses and eats cookies, one by one, to keep herself occupied.

In the sweetness of the cookies she sees a series of comforting visions: the warm iron stove, the lovely roast goose, the great glorious Christmas tree. Each vision disappears as a cookie was eaten. In the horizon she sees a shooting ambulance, which her late grandmother had told her means someone is on their way to hospital for heart attack. In munching the next cookie she sees her grandmother, the only person that also made cookies with her. To keep the vision of her grandmother alive as long as possible, the girl consumes the entire pack of cookies.

When the cookies are gone the girl is full to the throat, and she takes Uber to carry her home. The next morning, the father finds the girl sleeping on her bed with a smile on her face, and expresses joy. He does not know about the wonderful visions she had seen, or how happy she is with all the cookies in her belly.

1 Comment »

  1. […] is an experiment to generate images directly from texts from the little cookie girl. Each prompt below is appended with “oil painting by […]

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