I am always fascinated by, but do not yet have the patience and/or skill to create satisfactory pencil drawings.
June 20, 2021
June 19, 2021
Company culture
Company culture influences how, in addition to what, the employees accomplish the outcomes.
Focusing only in the latter can often increase burnouts/turnovers, as well as unethical or unlawful behaviors, such as cheating in benchmarks or stealing vendor data for private label products.
June 18, 2021
Social streaming
June 15, 2021
Edvard Grieg
During an early morning drive I heard a quiz from a classical music radio station: which Norwegian composer was born today in the late 19 century whose contemporaries included the likes of Tchaikovsky (while a representative piano piece was playing in the background).
The answer is not too difficult for anyone who likes Romantic piano pieces.
June 12, 2021
Copying form versus depicting gesture
I started learning drawing by copying forms as what I saw, which turned out to be very different from extracting the underlying gestures. I can comprehend the latter in concept but have kept doing the former in practice. Much thinking and practice lie ahead.
Design has to work, art does not
Saw this interesting quote today, which made me think that “engineering has to work, science does not” and “product has to work, research does not”.
June 10, 2021
Equity motivation for co-chairing a conference
Once upon a time, a conversation happened between two paper co-chairs for an upcoming conference:
It is great to hear that you would be one of the papers co-chairs.
I am rather stretched with commitments over the next year including a startup and hence I would be much happier to take on this role knowing my co-chair is willing to share the load equally which I hope you are.
Forcing me to invest in your startup can be a good way to incentivize me to put in enough effort for EGSR. (Otherwise, you will have to spend more time on EGSR, which means less time on your start-up, and eventually less return of my investment.)
That is a brilliant idea 😀
I might take you up on that for the next round of funding 😉
June 6, 2021
Timed-model-drawing exercise
For first time I went through a (now daily) timed-modeling-drawing exercise without cursing.