Confessions of a researchaholic

June 10, 2012

Work anytime anywhere you like

Filed under: Real — liyiwei @ 2:34 pm
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I operate in a continuous and asynchronous fashion through mechanisms such as svn paper drafts and Google sites, due to how my brain works and the fact that I travel all the time and my collaborators are all over the world.

I do not like discrete and synchronous meetings as practiced by almost everyone else. My brain works on all projects all the time, so discrete sync points actually reduce my productivity. (It is analogous to have the entire Royal Navy fleet converge onto the tiny island of Gibraltar.) I also do not find face-to-face meetings very effective, as people tend to think with their mouths rather than their brains.

(My personal experience is that relying on face-to-face meetings is a clear sign of the brain not being able to cope with the tasks, either due to an inferior former or an overwhelming latter.)

Consequently, you can work anytime anywhere you like.
What matters is your output productivity, not your input efforts.
I am an expert on remote collaboration (and some even think I can read minds). Most of my co-authors are located in different continents and time-zones from me. In at least one case, I did not even meet the first author until after the paper was accepted. This also eliminates the facility and environment issues; if you do not like the office, you can work elsewhere.
You should never need to complain to me about work environment issues.

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