My morning train ride was smooth and I was able to get a good view of a passenger with interesting features for a quick sketch.
When the afternoon train I took was about to arrive at my destination station, it stopped short of the platform. The conductor announced that there was a trespasser hit by the train and there would a delayed for maybe 2 to 3 hours, during which nobody is allowed to disembark while the scene is being cleaned up by medical staff and investigated by the police.
Given that the train was already easing into the station, I guess it was probably an accident (someone crossing the tracks to catch the train) instead of an attempted suicide (which logically would aim for train passing through a cross point at high speed).
After some probing around I sneaked to the front of the train car and started to surreptitiously drawing some passengers before the train geared towards the station after a better-than-expected 1.5-hour delay.
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