Confessions of a researchaholic

January 12, 2023

Last day of Adobe sabbatical

Filed under: Real — liyiwei @ 5:47 pm

Today is the last day of my Adobe sabbatical, which, as far as I remember, is the first official time off in my entire career.
I never felt the need to take a work break, but the sabbatical will expire if not used soon, unlike other types of day offs that could be accumulated/retained for longer.
I am glad I took it though; even though the duration (20 working days after 5 years of employment) is shorter than a typical faculty sabbatical but is still long enough for me to reflect on things that I wouldn’t thought about otherwise.

Aside from a little bit of research which I considered to be fun (reading/reviewing/revising papers and collaborating with students), I have spent almost the entire sabbatical with my family whom I haven’t visited since the onset of covid, walked/hiked a lot around different places, learned more about (physical) acrylic painting, found out (and dealt with) some health issues that I was too busy to even notice, and realized that I no longer care about some stuff that others consider important (and which I used to or thought I still do).

January 13 2023 add on:
It appears that Microsoft is adopting “unlimited time off” like Adobe.
Since I didn’t take any day off with Microsoft, all my remaining time off got converted to cash on my last day.

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