Confessions of a researchaholic

May 20, 2022

Creative block

Filed under: Imaginary,Real — liyiwei @ 9:59 am
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In Concept Art: Break Artist’s Block with Emergent Design – L410, conceptual artist Sam Nielson talked about the common causes and remedies for creative blocks, which I found to be equally applicable to scientific research (or any other creative fields):


Not enough or the right kind of input
, such as visual inspirations for art or the current problems and progresses in research.
Not having anything to say
, which is related to the above about not having the right kind of input as well as not thinking enough about what one wants to do.
Fear of poor performance
which can cause actual poor performance.


Study everything and anything
, including books, papers, and artworks.
Live life a little (outside work)
, which is not just about work-live balance but also about enriching one’s creative horizon.
Give yourself permission to suck
to increase the chance not to suck.

I followed the suggested process (about using chunky oil brushes for iterative ideation) to create the visual impression I saw earlier about two white chairs inside woods.

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