Confessions of a researchaholic

December 27, 2012

My efficient frontier theory

Filed under: Real — liyiwei @ 1:35 am
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(Look up the term “efficient frontier” if you need, even though I am going to abuse it because I could not figure out a better alternative; “local-maximum” comes close, but it does not catch the multi-dimensional aspect.)

The world is becoming increasingly fair and competitive; fair in the sense that people now have more equal opportunities than ever to succeed due to technological shifts; competitive in the sense that it is also more likely than ever for the winners to take all.

Position yourself on the efficient frontier for whatever you care, such as school, job, skill set, etc. Otherwise, someone else who can dominate you nearer the frontier will have you for lunch.

It is not going to be easy. Everybody wants to rule the world. But do what you love + strike for the best is probably your best bet. In contrast, trend following will only put you into a crowded competition.

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