Confessions of a researchaholic

November 10, 2012

How I work with each student

Filed under: Real — liyiwei @ 11:34 am
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This figure illustrates how I collaborate with each student.

There are several main layers of a research project: idea creation, algorithm design, system implementation, and experimentation + results production. They are all wrapped up and glued together by presentation, which includes paper writing, video production, and (conference) talk.

For a beginner student, I would expect you to completely take charge of the implementation and production (including video), given the main ideas and algorithms as described in a paper draft (as part of the presentation). We could discuss anything you like, but you should be able to handle all the implementation and production details (e.g. I am not supposed to look into your code). Otherwise, you are not ready for research.

As you progress, I would expect you to be able to take charge more tasks at the higher layers. Idea creation is the most difficult and only a few can pull that off, but my experience is that a decent senior student can at least take part in algorithm design and paper writing.

1 Comment »

  1. […] Stage 2: I will then directly take you to a real project aiming for the best venue of your field. I will work very closely with you on everything. […]

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